Pink Nails & Mommy Bloggers

I was invited out for a night of manicures with my fellow blogging friends last night… and had so much fun! We all met at Boca Nail Bar – a new salon that just opened. It is beautiful! I ended up channeling my 7-year-old self and going with the hot pink gel polish, with one “party nail” as I call it on my ring finger.

bnb1Now ladies, let’s talk gel. I normally don’t get it because I hate to soak my nails. I hate the way it feels and I am big on time management, so I don’t like to just sit there and spend more time than I have to at a salon. I have things to do. But, the Boca Nail Bar has their own brand of nail polish and it is all gel, so I had to get it… and I’m so glad I did. I forgot the gel polish looks so much better than regular polish. And it stays looking freshly painted for weeks!

I also got some swag to take home… that included nail polish my 2-year-old loved!

The best part about the night was getting to meet some of my new blogging friends in person I’ve only heard of or have just chatted with online. In my 2.5 seconds of blogging, I have learned that the blogging community is so helpful. When they get together, it really is about bouncing ideas off of one another and helping one another. None of that middle school mean girl stuff (at least I haven’t seen it yet.)

Thanks for a fun night Bloggin’ Mamas and Boca Nail Bar!

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