My Magical Mascara

This. Is. It. I have found the perfect mascara and I am OBSESSED with it.

Like many, I fell for the bright colors Maybelline and Cover Girl advertise. The big, chunky wands and packaging. The fun names of the different products. None of that matters – especially the commercials that clearly show the model wearing fake lashes. Does anyone really believe the mascara does that anyway?!

Well, my life changed when I opened up Younique’s 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara. Weeks before I finally ordered it, I kept seeing one friend post about this stuff on her Facebook wall. Over and over. Every single day. (I understand why now that I am a Younique presenter now.) Finally, I decided to buy it. It was $29. Plus tax and shipping. I’m a deal maker and I HATE paying for shipping, but for this so called magic mascara, I made an exception. After applying it to one eye – I WAS SHOCKED! It literally looked like I had one eye of lash extensions or false eyelashes. And this was JUST MASCARA! The pictures don’t lie. The video applications don’t lie. This is the real deal.

How does it work? See it in action here, or read this: First of all, it comes in a case that look like expensive sunglasses will be looking at you when you open it. There are two tubes inside: one for the gel and on for the fibers. First, you apply the gel just like you would any other mascara. This is to get your lashes wet. Once they are wet, you open up the fibers and apply them to the tips and ends to lengthen and thicken your lashes. (At first, I was applying the fibers like I would the mascara, going to the base of my lashes… don’t do that. The fibers will get in your eyes, and even though they are natural green tea fibers and won’t hurt you, it’s not comfortable having floaties in your eyes.) Moving on. After the fibers have stuck to your lashes, you put on another coat of the gel. This seals the fibers in place, lets you move your lashes where you want them, and makes them even longer and thicker! It washes off just like any other makeup would – but it is water resistant, so eye makeup remover is needed. Just like another mascara, you replace it when the gel runs dry in about three months. Yes, it is about three times the cost of all my other mascaras, but the difference is also about three times longer and thicker. So worth it!

As embarrassing as it sounds now, the eye to the right is my former favorite mascara by Maybelline. You know, the one in the hot pink and lime green tube. Beside Younique, it looks like I don’t have anything on!


It’s a no brainer. Want to give it a try? I’m so obsessed… I became a presenter. They say find something you love, then figure out a way to get paid for it right?!

Order yours here.

Want to host a party and earn other FREE Younique products? Want to share the mascara love with me and GET PAID TO DO IT? I can help you there too.


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